Hetzner, Debian, KVM and IPv6

Well, I’ve had my share of troubles with Hetzner, Debian, KVM and IPv6 addresses. After figuring out how to get around the IPv6 neighbor stuff (npd6 for teh win!), I battled with the problem that after restarting (rebooting/resetting – doesn’t really matter) a domain it’s IPv6 address would no longer work.

Well, today I decided to take a closer look. After the reboot, the guest comes up with this:

A quick peek into ip 6 neigh show reveals this:

At this point I had no idea were to look (I haven’t used IPv6 much), so thanks to a friend I ended up googling whatever dadfailed meant … as it turns out dadfailed indicates that a duplicate address had been detected. A short peek into kern.log/dmesg fuelled that idea:

So, I went on googling IPv6, KVM and duplicate address, and guess what .. I don’t seem to be the only one that has this issue … I haven’t found the root cause of this, but I have a quick fix … I usually don’t assign duplicate IPv6 addresses to multiple domains (each domain has it’s on block of IPv6 addresses), so I ended up writing a short puppet class, that’ll disable the Duplicate Adress Detection for all my KVM guests!

Debian: dmesg output contains “Error: Driver ‘pcspkr’ is already registered, aborting…”

Well, I recently prepared a bunch of Debian KVM guests, and today I got annoyed (basically because logwatch complains about it …) by this pesky error message on each startup. What causes this is error is really simple.

Udev loads the PC speaker driver (pcspkr) and then (for whatever reason) tries to load the alsa-module for the PC speaker (snd_pcsp). And the second one, basically fails. All we need to do, is create a blacklist.conf and add the latter one to it.

virt-viewer: qemu+ssh to a KVM host running SSH on a different port

Well, I’ve been tinkering with KVM the last few days and I’ve been stuck accessing the KVM guests (as the guests are running on a host I don’t have my Xorg server running on). After a bit of searching, I actually found what I was looking for.

Piecing together from both sources, to connect to a KVM host, that has SSH running on a different port: