Adjust album list display in foobar2000

Well, as I said earlier I’ve been playing around with my Sonos (and in that regard cleaning up my music library). Now, I started setting up my foobar2000 to ignore articles (The, A) when moving/copying file to my music library.

For example, previously the structure would have looked like this:

Now, after implementing the file operations adjustments (I’ll post them later), the structure looks like this:

However the Album View will display the album artist as it’s presented in the MP3’s %album% tag. So, I needed to modify the Album List’s view. For that repeat these steps:

  1. Goto Preferences (Ctrl+P or File->Preferences)
  2. Extend the Media Library node
  3. Switch to Album List

I wanted to adjust the “by artist/album” view (since I only use that). The default code for that is as follows:

As with everything in foobar2000, that is configurable and uses the Title Formatting. After a short peek into the Foobar2000 forum, I found what I was looking for.


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