ViMbAdmin and mod_rewrite

Well, I use ViMbAdmin for the mail box administration of my users (and aliases) on After I while (well, over half a year I guess), I decided to look at it again. However it didn’t work. Well this was a multi-part problem.

  1. ViMbAdmin has been updated to require PHP composer (which populates the vendor/ folder)
  2. the application.ini was outdated

After I fixed all that, ViMbAdmin was working again. However I decided to replace my mod_rewrite stuff (I had in my apache config from the previous version) with the one from the Documentation and that actually made things worse. So I ended up *redigging* into mod_rewrite (again *sigh*) and rewrite the Rewrite Rules… This time I’m documenting it.

Keep in mind, this is part of my apache config, not a .htaccess file.