Novell KMP: vmware-tools-kmp and ibm-lin_tape-kmp

Disclaimer: I don’t take any responsibility for faults within the software, I just provide the RPM’s! Feel free to ask me about stuff concerning these RPM’s, but I ain’t accountable if your stuff goes kaboom … Oh, and those RPM’s aren’t recommended or supported by Novell or IBM!

After working with the novell-kmp solution, I think it’s actually rather easy to create a “Kernel Module Package“. In the end, I created two additional KMP’s, one for the tools component of the VMware-Tools shipped with VMware ESX, and another for the lin_tape SCSI driver, used by our IBM TS3400 as well as the IBM TS7530.

Some parts (especially the build system used within the VMware kernel modules) took some figuring out/playing around, but I actually got it working. Now each time I update the VMware-Tools I just need to install the new RPM, tada! No need for a fully fledged build environment on every box.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10:

  • ibm-lin_tape-1.24.0_2.6.16.60_0.37_f594963d-0.1 (i586, x86_64, SRPM)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-bigsmp (i586)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-debug (i586, x86_64)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-default (i586, x86_64)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-kdump (i586, x86_64)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-kdumppae (i586)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-smp (i586, x86_64)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-vmi (i586)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-vmipae (i586)
  • vmware-tools-kmp-3.5.0_153875_2.6.16.60_0.37_f594963d-0.1 (SRPM)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-bigsmp (i586)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-debug (i586, x86_64)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-default (i586, x86_64)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-kdump (i586, x86_64)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-kdumppae (i586)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-smp (i586, x86_64)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-vmi (i586)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-vmipae (i586)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-xen (i586, x86_64)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-xenpae (i586)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11:

  • ibm-lin_tape-1.24.0_2.6.27.21_0.1-0.1 (i586, x86_64, SRPM)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-debug (i586, x86_64)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-default (i586, x86_64)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-pae (i586)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-trace (i586)
    • ibm-lin_tape-kmp-vm (i586, x86_64)
  • vmware-tools-kmp-3.5.0_153875_2.6.27.21_0.1-0.1 (SRPM)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-debug (i586, x86_64)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-default (i586, x86_64)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-pae (i586)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-trace (i586, x86_64)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-vmi (i586)
    • vmware-tools-kmp-xen (i586, x86_64)

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