
Ok, today I received another WRT54GL (yah, too much money 😛 ) and updated it to dd-wrt v23-SP1 instantly and is now (once again) powering my wireless network.

Yay! and thanks to Cisco/Linksys for that fine piece of hardware and to NewMedia-NET GmbH for providing such a great image for this hardware 🙂

Ah, nearly forgot that: remember, never put the same IP twice in the static DHCP lease table, or dnsmasq is refusing to start (thus no DHCP/DNS)!

Summer – finally

Well it’s mid of July and the weather seems to be my friend. 25°C ain’t that bad. I really liked the weather last week (although everyone at work was bitching about it being tooo warm :P) and would like to keep it (for the rest of the year of course!).

Hrm, for everyone who loved the music within Kill Bill – Volume 1: Tomoyasu Hotei really rocks (playing Battle without Honor or Humanity).

Work is finally getting interesting. The x366 have been delivered, as well as the new Netbay 42U rack and of course the optional Cisco Catalyst 3650. Hopefully my co-worker will let me work on those babies in a short time (I would really like to :))

And now to my Gentoo related work:

I had an interesting conversation with Hendrik yesterday about some of his packages, and I’m taking over some of them …

I bumped sys-cluster/vzctl, hopefully all bugs related to the upstream changes (well I missed a config var in the init-script #138469) are now fixed. Oh yeah, they finally decided to switch to a sane versioning scheme. Thanks Kir and Igor!

Linux VServer stuff is also approaching its final release (even if Herbert is always saying When its done. I’ll prepare the patch tarballs for 2.{0.2,1.1}_rc26 later.

Meh, I nearly forgot to say thank you. Thanks a lot Mr. Bush. They just showed how the local waste disposal company is blocking the road with dumpsters while being protected by ~20 policemen … And only to prevent anybody driving into the city with a car which could endanger Mr. President!