FOSDEM 2007 #1 (long time friends and gay horseporn)

We arrived in Brussels on Friday around 2230, since we kept searching the centre of Brussels, we really tried hard since we didn’t have a map, we tried navigating by bus cards (which was quite fun). So after we finally found the city centre (which is quite bad signposted), we went to the pub supposedly having the free beer, but they told us the FOSDEM area was closed due to christel drinking all beer (just kidding), but we did find Pylon and kugelfang I think.

So we sat for some time, till we decided to go and search the youth hostel. That’s what we did, and it took us another half hour to find it. When we arrived there, we talked to the manager and he told us that Dimitry is having all the keys, so we should go see him for the keys. So I phoned christel, for what about to do with the keys, and she told me to get our asses over there.

That’s what we did, we took Lars (that’s pylon) and went back into the city (and tried to get pretty close to the Place Grande – or Grote Markt) and tried to fetch our keycards, so we went to the pub Dimitry, christel and the danish conspirary were staying (that’s ‘lil Alex, Bryan and their accompaniment). So we talked a bit with them and apparently Bryan and the irssi guy one of the freenode staffers, Richard, were talking about gay horseporn. Christel later said something, that they were talking about it the whole evening … and I was like WTF 😮

We fetched our keys, talked some more and christel somehow came with the “Internet is about …” song somehow, I think due to Bryan and Richard and we finally went back to the youth hostel and went to bed around 0200 in the morning. I woke up by the cellphone (again), went to the bath and went downstairs for breakfast (together with Torsten – that’s tove).

Afterwards, we went along and *tried* to find the University where FOSDEM 2007 is at, which took us quite some time. I think we needed about 1 and 1/2 hour, but the point is we finally got there :-S

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