So I have one or the other file, that needs to be extracted to a directory. And why not name it as the archive itself .. Only problem with it is the handling of variables with bash …
Try it yourself, stuff some directories with a space in inside a variables, and use something like this:
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epimetheus tmp [0] $ mkdir files epimetheus tmp [0] $ touch files/"I hate directories.archive" files/"Me luuv you looong time.archive" epimetheus tmp [0] $ for i in $( /bin/ls --color=none files/ ); do mkdir "${i/.archive/}"; done |
And now take a look at the output of that ..
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epimetheus tmp [0] $ ls I/ Me/ directories/ files/ hate/ looong/ luuv/ time/ you/ |
Means, the mkdir' created a directory for every entry in the
ls‘ output that was separated by a space char … and I’ve no frickin clue on how to get that thing right … 😡
Thanks to Roy I know how one handles such things … 😳 It’s rather simple *g*
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epimetheus tmp [0] $ for i in files/*; do mkdir "$( basename "${i/.archive/}" )"; done |
That should give you the desired effect ❗