At some point in the last few weeks, I repeatedly had to recreate my Nagios config for currently six filers. After doing that a few times, I ended up (like sooo often) writing a short Bash script, that’ll do this for me – without any fuss.
The only thing the script needs, is that the filers and the filers are registered in DNS … Here’s an example:
1 2 3 4 |
fas3240a IN A fas3240a-sp IN A fas3240b IN A fas3240b-sp IN A |
With that done, the script will create the necessary Nagios config for those filers.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
#!/bin/bash -f #set -x for host in $@; do echo "define host{" | tee /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/san/$host.cfg echo -e "thost_namettt$host" | tee -a /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/san/$host.cfg echo -e "tusettttgeneric-host-perfdata" | tee -a /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/san/$host.cfg echo "" | tee -a /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/san/$host.cfg echo -e "taddresstttt$( dig +short $ )" | tee -a /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/san/$host.cfg echo -e "taliastttt$" | tee -a /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/san/$host.cfg echo -e "tdisplay_namettt$" | tee -a /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/san/$host.cfg echo -e "thostgroupstttnetapp-fas-fc" | tee -a /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/san/$host.cfg echo -e "t_DOTSPtt$( dig +short $ )" | tee -a /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/san/$host.cfg echo "}" | tee -a /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/san/$host.cfg echo | tee -a /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/san/$host.cfg done #set +x |